
After 60 very successful years Bardsey Bird & Field Observatory's vision is to continue to contribute to UK and internationally significant research and remain a central part of island life for many years to come. We believe that monitoring the ecology and bird life of Bardsey has an important role in assisting national organisations such as the British Trust for Ornithology and RSPB to track and predict changes in bird populations.

The Observatory provides accommodation to visitors from April to October each year, as well as enabling volunteers and students to learn more about ornithology, bird ringing, ecology and monitoring wildlife. 

We currently spend about £50,000 a year running the Observatory but should be spending more than this to improve salaries for our hard-working staff and invest in the Observatory building. At present income from staying visitors and a small amount of grant money struggle to cover our current costs, let alone spend more. In order to keep the Observatory operating at its current level - of scientific work and comfort for visitors - we need to raise more funds. 
"It was lovely living island life for a week, away from technology and able to fully immerse myself in nature."
Jenny Donelan
Ways to support our work
Online Donations
You can donate online now by clicking the PayPal button right. If you wish you can even set up a Standing Order, supporting the Observatory on a regular basis.

If you shop using Amazon please consider using the link, any purchase made will help the observatory.

If you donate or purchase from these websites please consider completing the GiftAid form here so that we can maximise the value of your donation.

Cheque or Cash Donations
The Observatory welcomes donations by cheque or cash. These can be made payable to: Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory and sent to Dianne Charles, 2, Regent Close, Edgbaston, BIRMINGHAM B5 7PL.

To make it possible for us to thank you and keep you updated on the work of the Observatory download the donation form here. Remember to complete the gift aid section to help the Observatory make the most from your donation.
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